Bôtan & Tonic

Bôtan & Tonic
A cocktail that requires no experience to make and can please anyone in terms of taste. That's a Bôtan Tonic. The welcoming etheric oils of lemon fruits and mandarins, supported by ginger aroma (Bôtan Citrus Ginger Allspice) match perfectly with a high quality tonic or Ginger Ale.  


30 ml — Bôtan Citrus Ginger Allspice

100 ml — Tonic or Ginger Ale 

1 slice — Lemon 

1 slice — Ginger

Ice cubes — Glass full of ice

How to make it

  1. Fill the entire tumbler glass with ice cubes
  2. Press the lime and pour through a fine sieve before usage
  3. Add Bôtan (30 ml), top with Tonic (100 ml) and lime juice (10 ml)
  4. In case you want to give the drink a sweet touch, add the sugar water 1:2 (20 ml)
  5. Stir 3 times
  6. Add 3 drops of high quality olive oil 7) Decorate with basil leaves
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